
The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia

The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia has since its inauguration in 2010 been operating in three Ostrobothnian regions,  Ostrobothnia, Southern Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia. The Dance Centre is bilingual and works equally in Swedish and Finnish. 


The Association Pohjanmaa tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf manages the Dance Centre with the aim to develop dance art, improve employment opportunities for professional dance artists and make dance art accessible. 


The Regional Dance Centre arranges performances, touring performances , seminars, workshops, acts as a regional expert of dance and supplier of dance services and activities. The aim is to make dance art more accessible, to offer art and culture experiences equally to all inhabitants in the three Ostrobothnian regions regardless of place of residence or socioeconomic status, to promote well-being through dance and that dance as an experience reaches a wider audience.


The Regional Dance Centre collaborates closely in the region with dance professionals and other dance organisations, the regional councils and the cities and the cultural institutions and organisations. 



Eleni Pierides                    


+358 45 136 4372



Reija Penttinen

+358 50 549 4455


Funkkis, Sepänkyläntie 1
65100 Vaasa


Postal address:
PB 205
65101 Vaasa


CR Number: 2731439-2

The Regional Dance Centre is financed by

The Centre for Arts Promotion

The Ostrobothnian council

The Southern Ostrobothnian council

The  Central Ostrobothnian council

KulturÖsterbotten, SÖFUK Federation of Swedish Municipalities in Ostrobothnia for Education and Culture

City of Vaasa

City of Kokkola

City of Seinäjoki 

Swedish Cultural Foundation of Finland 

The Swedish Ostrobothnian society

Harry Schauman foundation

Vaasa Aktia foundation

Association Konstsamfundet

Other foundations 

The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia


The Association Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf has been the legal entity managing the Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia since 1.1.2016. The board of Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf for 2024 is Mia Malviniemi (chair), Viivi Sjöblom (cashier), Taneli Törmä (vicechair), Nanna Rahikainen (member), Riina Kalmi (member) and Linda Szöke (deputy). Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf is responsible for the activities and finances of the dance centre. The content and development of the dance centre’s activities is planned by a separate planning committee appointed within the associations members together with the manager. The planning committee for the year 2024 is chosen in January. The association has 31 members. 

The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia


The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia has a steering group that meets twice a year, more often if necessary. The steering group consists of representatives of regional funders and board members of the association.

Tarja Hautamäki, chair, Cultural Director, The Ostrobothnian Regional Council

Jenni Niemi, Culture and Library Director, City of Vaasa

Åsa Blomstedt, Cultural Director, KulturÖsterbotten, SÖFUK Federation of Swedish Municipalities in Ostrobothnia for Education and Culture

Hanna Hangasluoma, Cultural Director, The Southern Ostrobothnian Regional Council 

Berit Store, Cultural Manager, City of Kokkola

Kai-Eerik Känsälä , Cultural coordinator, The Central Ostrobothnian Regional Council

Leena Kråknäs, Head of Culture services, City of Seinäjoki

Mia Malviniemi, chair for Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf

Viivi Sjöblom, cashier for Pohjanmaan tanssi ry, Dans i Österbotten rf